Nadie es consciente de que la flamenca de Whatsapp tiene derecho a un mal día   No one notices that the flamenco dancer from Whatsapp has the right to have a bad day     
   Magritte sans ponme de terre.       Sans temps de rien faire.      Mais Magritte malgré tout.        
 Play Station mood   
 Voy a tener suerte /  I'm feeling lucky
 Por fin, su oportunidad! La chica de las cejas grandes no tenía paraguas.  Pero él era muy alto y ella se mojó. Pero no importó porque a ella le dio igual.   
 In love with Pau   
 -  Yeah...but she wasn't well shaved. Male conversations in women's minds    
 Peor que una película de terror. Lunes.   Worst than a terror movie. Monday    
 En qué momento se convirtieron en sinónimos?   Not doing anything wrong = Doing things well > GENIUS    
 Las medidas, la plancha, las cortinas, la pareja y el Domingo      
 And here you can see the portrait of the man who figured out what life was about and laughed himself to death   
 Los principios siempre dan miedo /  Beginnings are always scary    This is...the beginning       
 Ganan (al final de la película) /  They will win (at the end of the movie)    
 Collective Hangover. Some friends, a night to remember and no money for the pizza.   
   Anestesia local   /  Local anesthesia    - What I See is the  ribcage?       - Don´t joke.
 Sombreros y bigotes /  Hats and moustaches    
 After Hours   
 El escritor /  The writter
 Claro! / Sure!    
  This person is happy. It's Fryday morning    This person starts to suspect. Friday 12:00    This person is even more suspicious. The problem is coming    "How can I avoid the problem?" Friday 15:00    This person wants to kill. The problem is here!
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